Art Force Future: Next 5 Projects

Hello to our new and returning supporters! Curious what’s next for Art Force 5?

The program thanks SUNY for funding AF5 from 2018-2020. Our next priority is to seek sponsors for any of our next ideas…

  • FREE SUMMER CLASS: Officially confirmed and funded, Dan Napolitano and Hiram Cray will offer a free on-line summer class for 32 incoming students from Alfred University’s School of Art & Design. These students will do a large portion of the research for these next project(s). Those interested in enrolling should contact for instructions.

  • AUGUST 18 IN NASHVILLE (OR ANOTHER SUITABLE LOCATION): Aug 18 marks the actual 100 year anniversary of women being granted the right - but not always the access - to vote. We are seeking to spend this day in a place where we might make the most impact. Top three possibilities include Washington DC National Mall (for obvious reasons), Seneca Falls, NY (Women’s Rights National Park), or downtown Nashville, TN (the 36th state needed to ratify the amendment, and the actual action happened on August 18 right there!). We are currently networking with other centennial planners, with plans uncertain due to COVID.

  • HONOR NEGRO LEAGUE BASEBALL’S CENTENNIAL: With two great NFL partnerships completed, we are considering reaching out to Major League Baseball with a creative proposal to honor the history of the Negro Leagues. Pre-COVID, MLB and each team had agreed to recognize the centennial on June 27. We may be able to assist in this educational outreach.

  • SECOND ANNUAL W.E. DRAFT: We have already had dozens of suggestions for a 2021 draft - more icons, more trips to stadiums, and more college volunteers to help announce. Lots of possibilities with the NFL and beyond.

  • GOVERNORS ISLAND, NYC: Like all cool superhero teams, the Art Force 5 need a headquarters. For the past two summers, we have built a presence on the amazing Governors Island in the heart of NYC’s five boroughs! We are in the process of submitting an RFP (request for proposal) for a multi-year, year-round presence beginning by 2022 with rotating college internships, art activities on the island, and weekly outreach into the five boroughs. Major grants would need to be acquired to make this dream a reality.

For those of you wondering how you may help. First and foremost, spread the word because partnerships are critical, whether financial or creative collaborations. If you feel inclined to donate, you can do so through Alfred University’s donation site, just please note that you would like your contribution put toward the “Art Force 5.”

Thank you for reading and support of any kind.

Dan Napolitano
Director, Art Force 5

Dan Napolitano